Friday, June 14, 2013

The Great American Geek-Out

<insert some clever opening line here>

There. Now that I have the perfect joke out of the way, how goes it?!! Hopefully this finds you guys well. I tried sending an email, but seeing how long it's been since many of us have talked, I figured I'd post here and hope one of you sees it and passes this info along. And if you do, I would be much appreciated. Not like "reimburse you" appreciative, but you know, thankful none-the-less.

Basically, I'm having a gathering next month called THE GREAT AMERICAN GEEK-OUT. It will be a day reserved for exactly that, a cook-out and geeking-out, culminating with watching Pacific Rim. It should be a lot of fun, and it would be really cool if you guys could make it. I can even house you if that makes the decision easier. Lots of space, so no worries. has all the info. And below (should be) a flyer with some basics. Hit me up with questions, comments, suggestions, or if you think you can make it.

Peace, love and chocolate chip cookies.

— Brett


  1. I'd love to go, Brett, but unfortunately for me, I lack the funds/lack of family to do so!

    Currently unemployed (minus some sporadic freelance) so a trip like this isn't in the cards.

    I hope you have a blast though. I'll be there in spirit, or some shit like that!

    1. Bummer on a lot of accounts. Sorry, obviously you can't come, but more so that your work situation isn't well. I was hoping it was just here in Toledo that things were really rough, but sounds like your area isn't a hot bed for work either.

      There is one thing I could use your help with if you don't mind. I'm not sure my contact info for anyone is even active anymore, could you maybe email me your last known email addresses for some of the guys?

      Thanks. If not, no worries. Not sure if you Skype, but maybe we can skype you in for some of the better parts.

      Take it easy.

  2. Noooooo I missed it! dang. I was just talking about you and bam i see this invite to late. It is great to "see" you bud. Hope all is well!
